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Shout3D™ 2.0 - Wizard QuickStart Tutorial

Set your options.

Press the Publishing Options button to drop down the extended panel. Take a moment to scroll up and down to see the range of choices.

There is currently no Background Image set, and the Background Color is set to black. To change the color, you can click on the color swatch. But let's leave it as black.

Confirm that the Width and Height values are set to 320x240 pixels, and change them to these values, if necessary, by clicking on the numbers, retyping, and pressing the Enter key to confirm. This determines the dimensions of the applet window.

Confirm that the Headlight on option is set to "true." The scene doesn't have any lights in it, and if you don't add the Headlight, the applet will be completely black.

There should be nothing listed in the Applet type option. This means that only the basic Shout3DApplet will be used.


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